BB Archive: Questions and Answers.

BB Archive: Questions And Answers

This is the Questions and Answers section at the BB Archives. Obviously, we address the most frequently asked questions here. So, if you have a question about the BB Archive, you can contact us here. Furthermore, should we feel it is appropriate, we shall publish it here on the Questions And Answers page. Obviously, we do not print names, emails, etc.

QA on the BB Archive Network—add your bulletin board here.

Q. 01) If I retire my old forum in the BB Archive, can I still use it? In other words, can members continue to post there?

A. 01) There is no reason why not because we allow the creation of new forums.

Q. 02) My old forum is on one of those free forum websites. But they will not let me access my database. So, how can I access my database to place it in these archives?

A. 02) In short, we are sure that you will not get access to it. However, try writing to the website owner. After all, you can only ask. They may ask you for cash to do this, though. In essence, that is one of the problems with something that is ‘free’. But, should they give it to you, there will be no such problem here. This is because we do all we can to keep you independent.

Q. 03) I would like to transfer my old forum that has died to the BB Archives. What is the best way to do that? This is because I would like to keep the information online.

A. 03) You need to download your database and keep it safe. Secondly, download your files and keep them both together. Then read our information pages.

Q. 04) I wish to add my old phpBB forum to the BB Archives, but I have no experience. So, what can I do?

A. 04) Since we offer at least two hours of support, we may be able to help within this time. However, please be aware that with novices, sometimes things don’t always go according to plan. Therefore, it might be quicker if we attempted to do it all for you immediately. However, we also have a Help Forum to ask more questions.

Q. 05) I have an old forum which nobody uses nowadays. Of course, I go there now and again to check. So, does anyone at the BB Archive check the forums on the network?

A. 05) In short, no, we don’t check. However, if you are checking your forums for activity, you may get an odd post. But, if it is not in use, the chances are that spam will flood in. If this is the case, we advise you to lock it and then retire it in the archives.

Of course, should you wish to activate it again, you can do that. However, we will not allow forums full to the brim with spam. Therefore, it’s a case of maintaining the forum or locking it.

Q. 06) On the whole, I have had enough of the forum I own. Would it be possible for me to donate it to the BB Archives, lock, stock and barrel?

A. 06) Of course, but we have to see it first. Then it depends on the content. However, if you really are sick of your old forum, there may be something we can do, including its acquisition.

Q. 07) My forum is full of spam. So, will you clean it up for me and add it to the BB Archives?

A. 07) See answer 4.

Q. 08) I have a small forum, but it is still used by a few members. My question is, can I use the BB Archive to host it?

A. 08) Of course you can. We allow active forums in the BB Archive as well as locked forums. We allow members of the BB Archive to mothball their forums and bulletin boards. But busy forums are always welcome. We even allow members to create a shiny new forum, so the basic answer to your question is yes.

Q. 09) Would the BB Archive be willing to buy my forum from me?

A. 09) In short, we might. It depends on the traffic, but giving it to us helps keep our costs down.

Q. 10) Does the BB Archive place ads on forums? I ask this because I want to remain in control of my forum and possibly add my own.

A. 10) No, we don’t do anything to your forum except add it to the archives. Furthermore, you remain in control, and yes, you can add your own ads if you wish. Once your forum is on the BB Archive network, you still own your forum and are an administrator. In fact, your message boards remain independent and responsible for their maintenance, etc.

Q. 11) I have a private forum, so can I still use BB Archive to host my message boards?

A. 11) In short, no. That is because all forums on our network must be open for the public to see.

Q. 12) Are there any restrictions to what forums the BB Archive accepts?

A. 12) There certainly are restrictions because we only allow decent forums to operate here. For example, we don’t allow porn or any indecent images. However, there are other restrictions. So please inspect the Terms of Use first.

We place the interesting questions and answers here, but we also have a Q&A forum. So, now you have the best of both worlds. Indeed, for a quicker answer from our numerous members, try the forum.

Common Questions: Need help with your forum or bulletin boards? Then the BB Archive has a solution: design your forums here.
Indeed, the BB Archive will answer your questions here.